Mihan Job Fair Report

 Throughout these past few weeks, Mihan hosted a series of job fairs to provide more than 10,000 jobs in tandem with the Private Sector’s Saudization initiative to lead on employing Saudi. With more than a million nationals unemployed in Saudi Arabia, this job fair brought hope, stability, and grounding to many who lived without it this year. 

This job fair was separated into two events with the Retail and Cafe and Restaurant sectors. Overall, 105 companies attended (67% Restaurants and Cafes) and provided 10,069 jobs to more than 34,214 applicants registered on the Mihan platform. 

On December 3, Mihan hosted the Restaurant and Cafes job fair with 70 leading companies with 5,159 vacancies. Of the 9,710 attendees, 34% identified as female, and most had a bachelor’s degree. Sponsors for this event included McDonald’s, Dominos, Burger King, AlbaikKuduand many more.  


On December 13, Mihan hosted the Retail job fair with 35 total companies with 4,910 job vacancies, and 24,504 attendees. The top company applications were Bindawood, Saco, Chalhoub, Panda, and Ikea. Sponsors for this event included Saudi JawahirPandaChalhoub GroupDanoub and Ikeaand many more.  


Alongside the job fair, applicants had the opportunity to attend 13 workshops to enhance their professionalism to enrich their experience. 

The forum was organized in tandem with the Private Sector’s Saudization initiative to lead on employing Saudi, but also to encourage partnerships between the private and public sectors. The private sector funded this Virtual Employment Forum with 1.200.000SR.  

Thank you to all of those who participated, sponsored, and organized for making a difference in our Kingdom that we all love so much. And to Mihan, thank you for allowing Mukatafa to organize this event so we can create change in all sectors of Saudi.  

Together, we are creating a future where everyone wins.